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- Why use the primitive type
instead of int
The numbers can get too large to fit in an
For example, \(T(22, 0) =\) 3,241,135,527 cannot be represented as an int
since the largest int
is \(2^{31} - 1\) = 2,147,483,647.
- Why does it take “forever” to compute T(30, 0)?
That’s to be expected. Rewatch the Exponential waste video segment.
You’ll fix this performance bug in the next exercise.
Can I use arrays, memoization, or dynamic programming to speed things up?
No. Please implement the recursive function by applying the recurrence relation directly.
You will get a chance to use dynamic programming in the next problem.
- Can I use negative indices with Java arrays?
No. Instead, consider declaring a private helper method that translates from
indices in the desired range (e.g., between –n and n) to indices in an allowable
range (e.g., between 0 and 2n + 1).
Alternatively, use the fact that \(T(n, k) = T(n, -k)\) for all n and k and avoid
storing any coefficients when k is negative.
- Can I use memoization instead of dynamic programming?
No. Use (bottom-up) dynamic programming.
- How do I transfer the remaining n – k discs using only three poles?
Use the classic algorithm (from lecture) for the 3-pole towers of Hanoi problem.
You will need to modify the code from lecture because you must move the
largest n – k discs, not the smallest n – k discs.
- What will the structure of my program look like?
We recommend defining two recursive functions:
one for the 3-pole version of the problem and one for the 4-pole version.
A good starting point is
- For debugging, can you provide solutions for some larger values of n?
Here are solutions for n =
15, and
- Is the value of k the same for each recursive call?
No. Whenever you need to (recursively) transfer a stack of n discs using 4 poles
you will compute a new value of k as a function of n. This should happen
in each recursive call of the 4-pole method.
- The solution to the towers of Hanoi problem that uses the fewest moves is unique.
Is the same true for Reve’s puzzle?
No. Since poles B and C are indistinguishable, interchanging B and C throughout any optimal solution
yields another optimal solution. The autograder will accept any optimal solution.
- Does the Frame–Stewart algorithm work for 5 (or more) poles?
Excellent question.
The Frame–Stewart conjecture
is that, with a suitable choice of k,
the Frame–Stewart algorithm solves the problem using the fewest moves.
Unfortunately, the conjecture remains open for 5 (or more) poles.
- Which pen colors should I use?
to fill the squares;
use StdDraw.BLACK
to draw the outline of the squares.
Which methods should I use to draw the filled square and outline square?
StdDraw.filledSquare(x, y, halfLength)
StdDraw.square(x, y, halfLength)
Recall that (x
, y
) is the center of the square and
is one-half the side length of the square.
- What happens when I draw two shapes that overlap?
The second shape drawn will be visible; any overlapping parts of the first shape will be hidden.