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Discrete distribution
How can I determine the number of command-line arguments?
The argument to main() is an array args[]. So, you can use the expression args.length to access its length.
How should I format the output?
The assignment specification says to separate the m integers by whitespace, which could be space or newline characters (or any combination of the two). Our sample executions print 25 integers per line, separated by space characters.
Instead of picking a random integer between 0 and Sn – 1, could I pick a random real number between 0 and Sn?
Yes, that would work too. Technically, it should be a real number between 0 (inclusive) and Sn (exclusive).
Any way to speed up the computation when n is large?
Yes, though you are not required to do so on this assignment. One effective strategy is to pre-compute the cumulative sums \(S_i = a_1 + a_2 + \ldots + a_i\); generate a random integer r between 0 and \(S_n - 1\); then use binary search to find the unique index i between 1 and \(n\) such that \(S_{i-1} \le r < S_i\). Here is an even faster algorithm.
Thue–Morse weave
Can I use strings concatenation and string operations?
No. You must use arrays.
How should I construct the Thue–Morse sequence of length n?
One strategy is to apply the definition and successively build the Thue–Morse sequences of lengths 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and so forth, doubling the length of the sequence in each step. When n is a power of 2, If n is not a power of 2, construct the Thue–Morse sequence for the smallest power of 2 larger than n.

An alternative strategy is fill an array of length n one bit a time by applying the following remarkable propery:

\( \text{thue}[i] \; = \; \begin{cases} \; 0 & \text{if } i = 0 \\ \; \text{thue}[i \, / \, 2] & \text{if } i \text{ is even}\\ \end{cases}\)
How should I print the n-by-n Thue–Morse weave?
First, build the Thue–Morse sequence of length n (or possibly the next largest power of 2). Use a double nested loop to determine whether bits i and j in the sequence are equal (and what to print).
Can I use a two-dimensional array?
No. For this problem, a two-dimensional array is unnecessary.
Birthday problem
Any advice on which arrays to define and use?
Our reference solution defines two arrays:
How should I format the table of results?
Row i should contain the count i, the number of times that exactly i people enter the room, and the percentage of times that i or fewer people enter the room, with each number separated by whitespace. The sample output in the assignment specification uses tab (\t) characters to separate the numbers in a row. In Lecture 5, you'll learn about printf(), which makes it easier to format and align numeric output.
As a function of n, how many people must enter a room until two share a birthday?
Asymptotically, the answer is \( \sqrt{ \pi n \, / \, 2} \).
How do the results change if some birthdays are more common than others?
The probability of two matching birthdays only increases if the distribution of birthdays is non-uniform. For example, in the northern hemisphere, there are more births in the months of August and September; in the U.S., births are much rarer on holidays (because of C-sections and induced labor).
Any advice on which arrays to define and use?
Our reference solution defines two arrays:
Any advice on how to decompose my program into separate steps?
Here are the four things you need to do:

We recommend organzing your program accordingly.

My program has many corner cases for computing the number of neighbors for cells on the boundary. Any tips for simplifying my code?
One effective strategy is to declare an (m+2)-by-(n+2) array, using the interior m-by-n cells for the Minesweeper board. That way, each Minesweeper cell has 8 neighbors that you can access without going out of bounds.
My program has 8 cases for identifying the 8 neighbors of a cell. Any tips for simplifying my code?
Consider using a double nested loop to iterate over 9 cells whose row- and column-indices are both within 1 of the given site.
How do I determine in which k of the mn cells to place mines?
Here are two possible approaches: